Wednesday, July 6, 2011


This will be the first summer my plants will experience with an educated me. I know that this is the growing season for all/most of my plants and have been heavily fertilizing them. I use a 20-10-20 orchid fertilizer, diluted from anywhere to 1/10th - 1/2 of the concentration (1 tablespoon/1 gallon) for daily use. I keep it in a spray bottle for easy surface/foliar application, and just spray until the top bark looks fairly damp. Since it is pretty hot, I do mist and water daily, as the bark medium does not hold as much water as sphagnum moss.

The way I water my plants doesn't require any soaking, as I've seen other people do. Not usually, at least. I just pour the water in, allow it to drain out, and hope the plant stays happy. It's not strictly scientific or even a good judge of wetness, nor an efficient method, but my babies are still alive...

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