Thursday, January 27, 2011


I love SG-1 to death. It's so deliciously campy at first, and pays homage to great sci-fi endeavors before it in its 100th episode.

Oh. It is 2011.

Well, I realize now that orchids are semi-uneventful, and that I am a *terrible* person at cataloging things in my own room. Laboratory environments I can do, stuff living in my room not so much.

The house is badly insulated and the parental units resist central heating, and to be honest, with living in the south Bay Area, it's not a highly essential part of life. However this resulted in some unhappiness from the 'chids and myself. The dendrobium I bought in the summer is losing its leaves, and I sort of, um, took out all the sphagnum moss in the pot it came in, so it's sitting bare rooted and slightly moist in its own pot. While most of the roots appear to be somewhere between 'meh' and 'eh', there are some which are plump and full-looking. So sometime this weekend I will put it in bark and support the canes.

I have a phal which I've been griping about since August, but as it hasn't kicked the bucket, I thought I would try my luck with another phal. A mistake, as some sort of bacterial infection, or crown rot, has overtaken that plant, but that could have been my mistake in picking an already diseased plant. The current phal that is desperately clinging to life appears to not have any viable roots, slightly shriveled leaves, and is potted in styrofoam and small bark pieces. But it seems to be trying to come back; there are little green nubs that look like new roots, but I can't be certain.

My oncidiums are actually liking the weather apparently! A NoID from Safeway rebloomed off another pseudobulb. It seems to be from Matsui Nursery, and looks like the 'Massai Red', but I'd rather not assume. I digress from the whole wistful ID thing. The plant itself looks moderately healthy, with shriveling in the pseudobulbs but with new growth and new roots forming! I would assume--drat, stupid word--that the shriveling is due to the flower spike and the lack of roots from my abysmal wintery conditions/repot. But I'm thankful that there's growth!

My yellow NoID oncidium is also sending out new growth, but new roots are nonexistent and the old roots are much finer looking than the previously mentioned oncidium. Not sure, but hoping that bulbs form.

My self-ID'ed Miltoniopsis is sending out new growth and I think new roots! So I repotted it in the hopes of getting it out of the media it was bought in. I picked it up on a bargain shelf with the flowers looking rather unhappy, so I was hesitant to do anything to it. Hopefully the repotting wasn't a bad idea...

Bought a Mtdm Ruffles 'Scent of a Woman' last month due to the name. Suspecting fragrance, I took a sniff, and lo and behold, a wonderful smell from the blooms. Of course, I took it home from Trader Joe's and the blooms all fell off from the cold, but the plant looks ok! I hope. :(

My Darwinara Charm is looking unhappy, the woman I bought it from has sort of berated me on not giving it the proper light requirements, but as it gets warmer and the days grow longer, we'll see what I can do. The roots have mostly rotted off, but hopefully the new media and pruning job I did will help...

And that's all for my long-winded post for tonight!